4 Brazenly Stupid Criminals Who Just Didn't Give a Crap
#4. Florida Man Fills Out Job Application at Gas Station, Promptly Robs It
Last July, imminent Florida representative Anthony Thomas went out to his local Citgo gas station to apply for a job. After filling out the application form, giving the place his real full name and address, Thomas felt so satisfied for being a productive member of society that he helped himself to a little reward -- namely, $130 from the cash register, which he swiped right in front of a plainly visible security camera.The cops used the same job application to locate Thomas shortly afterward (presumably under "job experience" he listed the numbers of the other stations he's robbed). He resisted arrest, disputed the video footage, and hasn't heard back about the job yet (but is still crossing his fingers).
#3. Drug Dealer Asks Cops to Track Down His Stolen Weed
Nineteen-year-old Morgan Tapp of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was the victim of a home invasion in which his safe full of pot and drug money was stolen. Outraged about what this world has come to, Tapp went to the police to report the theft and ask for their help in recovering his valuables. The young man then explained to an officer that he was upset because "he sold marijuana" for a living."If you find it, the combo is '4-2-0.' Like pot. Which I sell."
#2. Man Is Released by Police, Steals Ambulance in Front of Them
Between this next stunt and that guy who tried to hide from the cops for seven hours in the ocean, it's clear that most lawbreakers regard Grand Theft Auto as nonfiction. Last week in Tempe, Arizona, Cesar Garcia was treating himself to a morning beer at the local grocery store when he was arrested by the police, because that shit is illegal. The man was brought to the station, where they quickly let him go with a citation. Garcia went "OK, guys, see you later!" and nonchalantly stole the ambulance that was sitting right outside the station.The cops cracked the case of the ambulance-stealing jerkoff so fast that they actually beat Garcia to his own home and arrested him (again). So why did he do it? Was he planning some type of daring hospital heist? Was he at least looking for the drugs inside? Nope: He just didn't fucking feel like walking.
Clearly someone too majestic to walk like the "common man."
#1. Man Steals Church Computer, Calls Tech Support to Remove the Porn Block
When a computer was stolen from the Owassa First Assembly of God church in Oklahoma, two pressing questions arose: 1) What is Father Matthew going to tell his WoW guild? and 2) Who would be heartless enough to do this? Unfortunately, it looked like the church would never get an answer to the second question, since the police had no leads. That is, until the thief gave himself away (or, more specifically, his boner did).Wow, the "Most Likely to ..." superlative in his yearbook got it exactly on the money.
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